What are the warning signs of a severe thunderstorm?

Know the warning signs.

Large, puffy cumulus clouds. Darkening sky and clouds. Abrupt changes in wind direction. Sudden drop in temperature.

Yellow Location Pin
White Lightning

Severe thunderstorms are officially defined as storms that are capable of producing hail that is an inch or larger or wind gusts over 58 mph. Hail this size can damage property such as plants, roofs and vehicles. Wind this strong is able to break off large branches, knock over trees or cause structural damage to trees.

Palm Tree

Severe thunderstorms contain multiple dangers that can threaten safety and personal property in any part of the country and at any time of the year including flooding, lightning and lightning induced wildfires, tornadoes, wind and hail.

White Frame Corner
White Frame Corner

What are the warning signs of a severe thunderstorm? Know the warning signs. Large, puffy cumulus clouds. Darkening sky and clouds. Abrupt changes in wind direction. Sudden drop in temperature.

Can you feel a thunderstorm coming? It is possible to feel that storm coming "in your bones" - or in your head. "Barometric pressure is atmospheric pressure, the weight of the atmosphere," said headache specialist

Can you feel a thunderstorm coming?

Orange Lightning

Many people outgrow the fear of thunderstorms as they get older. But astraphobia is still among the most common specific phobias. Treatment for astraphobia might include exposure therapy, talk therapy or medication. You might also learn stress reduction techniques to manage anxiety symptoms

Category Severe 

Extreme Thunderstorm Watch - gave when conditions are ideal for the improvement of serious tempests, individuals situated in and around the watch region ought to hold an eye to the sky and stand by listening to their NOAA weather conditions radio all risks or tune to nearby transmission media for additional climate data. The watch is expected to give you an opportunity to plan, time to survey security rules 


June 15, 2022

Extreme Thunderstorm Warning - gave when a serious rainstorm has been distinguished by public weather conditions administration doppler radar or a solid report has been gotten.

White Frame Corner
White Frame Corner

An admonition is generally given for parts of a couple of districts, for an hour or less. Assuming that the admonition incorporates your area or work place, you ought to make a quick move to safeguard your life and the existences of others. Serious rainstorms can create huge hail and harming winds

Cyclones can and sometimes go with extreme tempests. Treat this cautioning equivalent to you would a cyclone cautioning by taking the legitimate wellbeing insurances.

White Frame Corner
White Frame Corner

Severe thunderstorms are officially defined as storms that are capable of producing hail that is an inch or larger or wind gusts over 58 mph. Hail this size can damage property such as plants, roofs and vehicles. Wind this strong is able to break off large branches, knock over trees or cause structural damage to trees.

– The best defense against thunderstorms is to stay inside a sturdy building or shelter that can protect you from deadly lightning, large hail, damaging winds, flooding rain and tornadoes. Fortunately, thunderstorms typically do not last very long and will most often pass by your location in less than one hour.

A thunderstorm is classified as “severe” when it contains one or more of the following: hail one inch or greater, winds gusting in excess of 50 knots (57.5 mph)