Instagram finstas
may turn into a
new product called
‘flipside,’ for
sharing candid and
personal photos
with close friends

Instagram finstas
may turn into a
new product called
'flipside,' for
sharing candid and
personal photos
with close friends
What is Flipside and how does it work?

Instagram Flipside: A New Way to Share Personal Content with Close Friends

Instagram is testing a new feature called “Flipside” that allows users to create a private side to their profile where they can post more candid and personal photos for a select group of friends. This feature is expected to roll out in the coming weeks and could change the way people use Instagram for personal sharing.

What is Flipside and how does it work?

Flipside is a new space within your Instagram profile that is only visible to the people you choose. You can access your Flipside by swiping down on your main profile or tapping on a button. You can also customize your Flipside profile with a different name, bio, and profile picture than your public one.

Flipside is designed to let you share more authentic and intimate moments with your close friends, without worrying about your public image or followers. You can post photos, videos, or reels on your Flipside, just like you would on your main profile. However, only your Flipside friends can see, like, or comment on them.

Why is Flipside different from other features?

Flipside is similar to the concept of “finstas”, which are fake or alternative Instagram accounts that some users create to share more personal content with a smaller audience. However, Flipside eliminates the need to create and manage a separate account, and makes it easier to switch between your public and private sides.

Flipside is also different from the “Close Friends” feature, which allows you to share stories or feed posts with a select group of friends. With Flipside, you can have a dedicated space for your private content, instead of mixing it with your public one. You can also have more control over who can see your Flipside, and remove or add friends at any time.

What are the benefits of using Flipside?

Flipside offers several benefits for users who want to share more personal content with their close friends, such as:

  • More privacy and security: You can share your personal photos and videos with only the people you trust, and avoid unwanted exposure or harassment from strangers or followers.
  • More authenticity and intimacy: You can express yourself more freely and honestly, and connect with your friends on a deeper level, without worrying about filters, likes, or judgments.
  • More fun and creativity: You can experiment with different styles, formats, or themes for your private content, and have more fun with your friends, without feeling pressured to conform to your public persona or expectations.

How to get started with Flipside?

Flipside is currently in the testing phase, and some users may see the feature on their profiles in the coming days. If you are one of them, you can follow these steps to set up your Flipside:

  • Swipe down on your main profile or tap on the Flipside button to access your private side.
  • Choose a name, bio, and profile picture for your Flipside. You can change them anytime later.
  • Select the friends you want to share your Flipside with. You can also invite them to create their own Flipside if they don’t have one yet.
  • Start posting your personal photos, videos, or reels on your Flipside, and enjoy the private sharing experience with your close friends.

Flipside is a new feature that Instagram is testing to let users create a private side to their profile for sharing personal content with close friends. It is similar to the concept of “finstas”, but eliminates the need to create a separate account. It is also different from the “Close Friends” feature, as it offers a dedicated space for private content, instead of mixing it with the public one. Flipside could offer several benefits for users who want more privacy, authenticity, intimacy, fun, and creativity in their personal sharing. Flipside is expected to roll out in the coming weeks, and users can set up their Flipside by swiping down on their main profile or tapping on a button, choosing a name, bio, and profile picture, selecting their Flipside friends, and posting their personal content.

(1) Instagram’s Flipside lets you create ‘Finsta’ account for close friends.
(2) What Is The Instagram Flipside Feature? – Dataconomy.
(3) Instagram finstas may turn into a new product called ‘flipside,’ meant ….

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