Apple Will Allow Installation of Rival App Stores on iPhones but Only in Europe

Apple Will Allow Installation of Rival App Stores on iPhones but Only in Europe
Apple Will Allow Installation of Rival App Stores on iPhones but Only in Europe

Apple has announced a major change to its App Store policy that will allow iPhone users in Europe to install alternative app stores on their devices. This is a result of a settlement with the European Commission, which accused Apple of abusing its dominant position and harming competition in the app market.

Why is this a big deal?

Apple has always maintained tight control over its App Store, which is the only official way to download apps on iPhones. Apple reviews and approves every app before it can be listed on the App Store, and takes a 30% cut of the revenue from paid apps and in-app purchases. Apple also imposes strict rules on app developers, such as requiring them to use Apple’s own payment system and prohibiting them from directing users to other platforms or sources of information.

Many app developers and regulators have criticized Apple’s App Store practices as unfair, anti-competitive, and harmful to innovation and consumer choice. Some of the most prominent examples of this conflict are:

  • Spotify, the leading music streaming service, filed a complaint with the European Commission in 2019, alleging that Apple’s 30% commission and other restrictions gave Apple Music, its own rival service, an unfair advantage.
  • Epic Games, the maker of the popular game Fortnite, sued Apple in 2020, after Apple removed Fortnite from the App Store for violating its rules by offering its own payment system within the app. Epic Games argued that Apple’s App Store monopoly was illegal and stifled competition.
  • Facebook, the social media giant, clashed with Apple over its new privacy feature, App Tracking Transparency, which requires apps to ask users for permission before tracking their activity across other apps and websites. Facebook claimed that this feature would hurt its advertising business and harm small businesses that rely on personalized ads.

What are the implications of this change?

The settlement with the European Commission requires Apple to:

  • Allow iPhone users in Europe to install and use alternative app stores on their devices, without losing access to the official App Store or any of its features or services.
  • Allow app developers to inform users of other ways to purchase or subscribe to their apps or services, such as through their own websites or platforms, without facing any retaliation or restrictions from Apple.
  • Provide app developers with equal and non-discriminatory access to Apple’s software and hardware tools, such as APIs, SDKs, and NFC chips, that are necessary for the functionality and security of their apps.
  • Establish an independent monitoring trustee, who will oversee Apple’s compliance with the settlement and report any issues or violations to the European Commission.

This change will have significant implications for both iPhone users and app developers in Europe, such as:

  • iPhone users will have more choice and flexibility in how they access and use apps on their devices. They will be able to download apps from different sources, compare prices and features, and switch between app stores as they wish.
  • App developers will have more opportunities and incentives to create and distribute apps for iPhones. They will be able to offer their apps and services through different channels, set their own prices and terms, and compete more fairly and freely with Apple and other app providers.

What are the challenges and risks of this change?

While this change may seem beneficial for iPhone users and app developers in Europe, it also poses some challenges and risks, such as:

  • iPhone users may face security and privacy issues when using alternative app stores, which may not have the same level of quality and safety standards as the official App Store. They may also encounter compatibility and performance issues when using apps that are not optimized or updated for the latest iOS versions or devices.
  • App developers may face increased costs and complexity when developing and maintaining apps for multiple app stores, which may have different requirements and guidelines. They may also face legal and regulatory challenges when operating in different jurisdictions and complying with different laws and regulations.
  • Apple may lose revenue and market share from its App Store business, which accounts for a significant portion of its services segment, which is one of its fastest-growing and most profitable segments. Apple may also face pressure and backlash from other regions and countries, which may demand similar concessions or impose similar regulations on its App Store practices.


Apple’s decision to allow installation of rival app stores on iPhones in Europe is a historic and unprecedented move that will reshape the app ecosystem and the smartphone industry. It will create new opportunities and challenges for iPhone users, app developers, and Apple itself. It will also have implications for the future of competition, innovation, and regulation in the digital economy.

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