What is automated case information?

What is automated case information?
What is automated case information?

Automated case information is a system that provides up-to-date information about immigration cases that are pending before the immigration courts or the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA). Users can access this information by entering their unique alien registration number (A-Number), which is a nine-digit number that starts with the letter A and is assigned to each immigrant by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)².

The information available through this system includes:

  • Next scheduled hearings: Users can find out the date, time, and location of their next hearing, as well as the name and phone number of the immigration judge assigned to their case.
  • Decision and motion information: Users can check the status of their case, whether it has been decided, appealed, remanded, or reopened. They can also see if any motions have been filed or granted in their case, such as motions to change venue, terminate proceedings, or reopen or reconsider a decision.
  • Case appeal information: Users can see if their case has been appealed to the BIA, and if so, the date of the appeal, the BIA case number, and the current status of the appeal.
  • Court and BIA contact information: Users can get the address and phone number of the immigration court or the BIA where their case is pending, as well as the hours of operation and directions to the location.

How does automated case information work?

Automated case information can be accessed through two channels: online or by phone.


Users can access automated case information online through the EOIR portal³, which is a secure website that requires users to create an account and verify their identity. Users can also access the portal through the EOIR mobile app, which is available for Android and iOS devices⁴.

To access automated case information online, users need to follow these steps:

  • Create an account on the EOIR portal by providing their name, email address, and phone number, and creating a password.
  • Verify their identity by entering a verification code that is sent to their email or phone number.
  • Log in to the EOIR portal using their email address and password.
  • Enter their A-Number and click on “Search”.
  • View the information about their case on the screen.

By phone

Users can access automated case information by phone by calling the EOIR hotline at 800-898-7180 (TDD 800-828-1120). The hotline is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, in English and Spanish¹.

To access automated case information by phone, users need to follow these steps:

  • Call the EOIR hotline at 800-898-7180 (TDD 800-828-1120).
  • Listen to the recorded message and follow the instructions.
  • Enter their A-Number using the keypad on their phone.
  • Listen to the information about their case.

Why is automated case information useful?

Automated case information is useful for immigrants and their representatives for several reasons:

  • It provides accurate and timely information about immigration cases, which can help users prepare for their hearings, file motions or appeals, and monitor the progress of their cases.
  • It reduces the need to contact the immigration court or the BIA directly, which can save time and avoid busy signals or long wait times on the phone.
  • It allows users to access their case information anytime and anywhere, as long as they have internet access or a phone connection.
  • It protects the privacy and security of users, as it requires users to verify their identity and enter their A-Number to access their case information.

Tips on how to use automated case information effectively

While automated case information is a helpful system, it also has some limitations and challenges that users should be aware of. Here are some tips on how to use automated case information effectively and avoid common pitfalls:

  • Users should always have their A-Number handy when accessing automated case information, as it is the only way to identify their case. Users can find their A-Number on their immigration documents, such as their Notice to Appear, their bond receipt, or their work permit².
  • Users should check their case information regularly, as it may change due to scheduling changes, court closures, or other factors. Users should also compare their case information with the official documents they receive from the immigration court or the BIA, as those are the only authoritative sources of information about their case.
  • Users should not rely solely on automated case information, as it may not reflect the most recent developments in their case, such as new filings, orders, or decisions. Users should also consult with their attorney or accredited representative, if they have one, or seek legal advice from a reputable source, if they need assistance with their case.
  • Users should be careful when accessing automated case information online, as they may encounter phishing or scam websites that try to trick them into providing their personal or financial information. Users should always use the official EOIR portal³ or the EOIR mobile app⁴ to access automated case information, and never click on links or attachments from unknown or suspicious sources.


Automated case information is a system that allows users to access the latest information about their immigration cases online or by phone. It is provided by the EOIR, which is part of the US Department of Justice. Automated case information is useful for immigrants and their representatives, as it provides accurate and timely information about their cases, reduces the need to contact the immigration court or the BIA directly, and allows users to access their case information anytime and anywhere. However, users should also be aware of the limitations and challenges of automated case information, and follow some tips on how to use it effectively and avoid common pitfalls. Users should always have their A-Number handy, check their case information regularly, compare it with the official documents they receive, not rely solely on automated case information, consult with their attorney or representative, and be careful when accessing automated case information online.

¹: Automated Case Information – United States Department of Justice
²: What’s an A-Number?
³: EOIR Portal
⁴: EOIR Mobile App

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