Former WWE employee accuses Vince McMahon of abuse, sexual assault and trafficking in lawsuit

Allegations Against Vince McMahon and WWE Executive

Former WWE employee accuses Vince McMahon of abuse, sexual assault and trafficking in lawsuit
Former WWE employee accuses Vince McMahon of abuse, sexual assault and trafficking in lawsuit

Janel Grant, a former WWE employee, has filed a lawsuit accusing Vince McMahon and John Laurinaitis of abuse, sexual assault, and trafficking. The suit was filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Connecticut.

Specific Accusations

  • Grant alleges being a victim of physical and emotional abuse, sexual assault, and trafficking during her time at WWE.
  • The lawsuit aims to hold McMahon and Laurinaitis accountable, along with the organization for either facilitating or ignoring the abuse.

Statement from Grant’s Attorney

Ann Callis, Grant’s attorney, states, “Today’s complaint seeks to hold accountable two WWE executives who sexually assaulted and trafficked Plaintiff Janel Grant…”

WWE’s Response

  • WWE, Vince McMahon, and John Laurinaitis have not provided immediate comments on the allegations.
  • TKO Group Holdings, WWE’s parent company, takes the allegations seriously, mentioning that McMahon doesn’t oversee day-to-day operations.

Legal Claims in the Lawsuit

The lawsuit includes accusations of sex trafficking, civil battery, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and negligence.

Timeline of Alleged Events

  • Grant met McMahon in March 2019, during his tenure as CEO, where he allegedly made inappropriate promises and engaged in inappropriate behavior.
  • McMahon is accused of pressuring Grant for a physical relationship in exchange for promised employment at WWE, creating a situation where she felt trapped.

McMahon’s Alleged Behavior

  • McMahon allegedly pushed for a physical relationship, leaving Grant feeling she had no choice but to submit or face ruin.
  • Grant entered into a physical relationship with McMahon, which, according to the lawsuit, involved psychological torture and physical violence.

Plaintiff’s Perspective

Ms. Grant expresses unhappiness, attempts to end the relationship, but faces continued pressure and expectations as part of her employment.


The lawsuit continues to detail McMahon’s explicit behavior in 2020, indicating a pattern of misconduct.

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