How to Bypass Plaid Verification

How to Bypass Plaid Verification
How to Bypass Plaid Verification

Plaid is a platform that connects your bank account to various fintech apps and services, such as Robinhood, Venmo, Coinbase, and more. Plaid allows these apps to access your financial data, such as your balance, transactions, and identity. However, some people may have privacy or security concerns about sharing their bank credentials with Plaid, or may face issues with connecting their bank accounts through Plaid. In this article, we will show you some ways to bypass Plaid verification and use alternative methods to link your bank account to your desired app.

What is Plaid Verification?

Plaid verification is the process of authenticating your bank account with Plaid. When you sign up for a fintech app that uses Plaid, you will be prompted to choose your bank from a list of supported institutions, and then enter your online banking username and password. Plaid will then verify your identity and access your financial data through your bank’s API. This allows the app to link your bank account and perform actions such as deposits, withdrawals, transfers, and payments.

Why Bypass Plaid Verification?

There are several reasons why you may want to bypass Plaid verification and use a different method to link your bank account. Some of them are:

  • You are concerned about the privacy and security of your bank credentials and financial data. Plaid claims to use encryption and tokenization to protect your information, and to comply with various regulations and standards. However, some users may not trust Plaid or its partners, or may worry about potential data breaches or misuse of their data. For example, in 2020, Plaid faced a class-action lawsuit that alleged that it violated user privacy by collecting and selling more data than necessary¹.
  • You have a bank account that is not supported by Plaid. Plaid works with thousands of banks and credit unions in the US, Canada, and Europe, but it may not cover all of them. If your bank is not on the list, or if you have a local or regional bank that does not integrate well with Plaid, you may not be able to use Plaid verification. You may also encounter errors or delays when trying to connect your bank account through Plaid.
  • You prefer to use a different method to link your bank account. Plaid verification is not the only way to link your bank account to a fintech app. There are other methods that may be more convenient, faster, or cheaper for you. For example, you may want to use a virtual credit card, a mobile banking app, or a manual verification method.

How to Bypass Plaid Verification

Depending on the app you are using and the method you prefer, there are different ways to bypass Plaid verification and link your bank account. Here are some of the most common ones:

  • Use a virtual credit card. A virtual credit card is a temporary credit card number that you can use for online purchases. You can usually get a virtual credit card from your credit card issuer or a third-party provider. Some of the benefits of using a virtual credit card are that you can limit the amount and duration of the card, and that you can avoid sharing your real credit card information with the app. However, some drawbacks are that you may incur fees or interest charges, and that you may not be able to use the card for withdrawals or transfers².
  • Use a mobile banking app. A mobile banking app is an app that allows you to access and manage your bank account from your smartphone. Some mobile banking apps are provided by your bank, while others are independent services that connect to your bank account. Some of the benefits of using a mobile banking app are that you can use your phone’s biometric features to authenticate your identity, and that you can avoid entering your bank credentials on the app. However, some drawbacks are that you may need to download and install the app, and that you may still need to provide some information to the app, such as your account number and routing number³.
  • Use a manual verification method. A manual verification method is a method that does not require you to enter your bank credentials on the app. Instead, you provide your account number and routing number, and the app verifies your account by sending small deposits or withdrawals to your bank account. You then need to confirm the amounts on the app to complete the verification. Some of the benefits of using a manual verification method are that you can avoid sharing your bank credentials with Plaid or the app, and that you can use any bank account that supports ACH transactions. However, some drawbacks are that it may take longer to verify your account, and that you may need to check your bank statement to confirm the amounts⁴.


Plaid verification is a common way to link your bank account to a fintech app, but it may not be the best option for everyone. If you have privacy or security concerns, or if you face issues with connecting your bank account through Plaid, you may want to bypass Plaid verification and use a different method. In this article, we showed you some ways to do that, such as using a virtual credit card, a mobile banking app, or a manual verification method. However, you should always do your own research and check the terms and conditions of the app and the method you choose before using them.

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