How to Delete an Instagram Account | Temporarily Deactivating Your Instagram Account

How to Delete an Instagram Account
How to Delete an Instagram Account, Temporarily Deactivating Your Instagram Account

Hello, this is deoravijendra (author). I can help you about how to delete an Instagram account.

How to Delete an Instagram Account

Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world, with over 1.4 billion monthly active users¹. However, there may be various reasons why you want to delete your Instagram account, such as privacy concerns, cyberbullying, addiction, or simply wanting a fresh start. Whatever your reason, deleting your Instagram account is not as easy as you might think. In fact, there are two different ways to get rid of your account: permanently deleting it or temporarily deactivating it. In this article, we will explain the difference between these two options, how to do them, and what to consider before making your decision.

Permanently Deleting Your Instagram Account

Permanently deleting your Instagram account means that you will lose all your data, including your profile, posts, comments, likes, and followers. You will not be able to recover your account or use the same username again. This option is irreversible, so you should think carefully before choosing it.

To permanently delete your Instagram account, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Log into your Instagram account via
  2. Visit the [Delete Your Account](^1^) page.
  3. Here, you will be asked to choose the reason for deleting your account from a dropdown menu. You will need to select a reason before proceeding.
  4. Once you do, you will need to re-enter your password, and then click the “Delete [username]” button.
  5. Once your account deletion request has been processed, and the account will stay hidden for 30 days before it is permanently deleted. If you change your mind, you can log back in and cancel the process within this timeframe.
  6. Note that it may take up to 90 days for the account deletion process to be completed.

Alternatively, you can also delete your account via the Accounts Center. Click on the hamburger (3-line icon) menu on the bottom left, and visit “Settings”. Here, on the top left, click on “Accounts Center”, and then “Personal details” under “Account settings”. Next, visit “Account ownership and control”, and then select “Deactivation or deletion”. You will be asked which Instagram or Facebook account you’d like to delete⁵.

Temporarily Deactivating Your Instagram Account

Temporarily deactivating your Instagram account means that you will hide your profile, posts, comments, likes, and followers until you reactivate it. You can do this as many times as you want, and your data will not be deleted. This option is reversible, so you can change your mind anytime.

To temporarily deactivate your Instagram account, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Log into your Instagram account via
  2. Click on your profile picture in the top right corner, and then click on “Profile”.
  3. Click on “Edit Profile” next to your username.
  4. Scroll down and click on “Temporarily disable my account” at the bottom right.
  5. Here, you will be asked to choose the reason for deactivating your account from a dropdown menu. You will need to select a reason before proceeding.
  6. Once you do, you will need to re-enter your password, and then click the “Temporarily Disable Account” button.
  7. Your account will be deactivated immediately, and you can reactivate it by logging back in anytime.

Making Your Instagram Account Private

Another option for Instagram users who want to limit their online exposure is to make their account private. This means that only your approved followers can see your posts, and you can control who can follow you. You can also block or remove unwanted followers, and prevent others from tagging or mentioning you in their posts or stories.

To make your Instagram account private, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Log into your Instagram account via
  2. Click on your profile picture in the top right corner, and then click on “Profile”.
  3. Click on the gear icon next to “Edit Profile” to access your settings.
  4. Click on “Privacy and Security” on the left sidebar.
  5. Under “Account Privacy”, toggle on the switch next to “Private Account”.
  6. Your account will be private immediately, and you can change it back to public anytime.

Things to Consider Before Deleting or Deactivating Your Instagram Account

Before you decide to delete or deactivate your Instagram account, there are some things you should consider, such as:

  • Saving your data: As we mentioned, deleting your Instagram account will erase all your data, so you may want to save your photos, videos, and posts beforehand. You can do this by requesting a copy of your data from Instagram. Here’s a [guide](^2^) on how to download your Instagram data.
  • Switching to a different platform: If you are leaving Instagram because you are unhappy with its features, policies, or community, you may want to switch to a different social media platform that suits your needs better. There are many alternatives to Instagram, such as [Snapchat](^6^), [TikTok], [Pinterest], [VSCO], and [Flickr]. You can compare their pros and cons, and see which one appeals to you more.
  • Taking a break: If you are feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or addicted by Instagram, you may want to take a break from it instead of deleting or deactivating your account. You can do this by limiting your screen time, turning off notifications, unfollowing or muting accounts that make you feel bad, or using apps that block or monitor your social media usage. You can also focus on other activities that make you happy, such as hobbies, exercise, meditation, or spending time with friends and family.


Deleting or deactivating your Instagram account is a personal choice that depends on your reasons, preferences, and goals. Whether you want to permanently delete your account, temporarily deactivate it, or make it private, you have the option to do so. However, you should also weigh the pros and cons of each option, and consider the alternatives before making your final decision. We hope this article has helped you understand how to delete or deactivate your Instagram account, and what to consider before doing so. Thank you for reading! 😊

(1) Help Center.
(2) Help Center.
(3) Delete your Instagram account | Instagram Help Center – Facebook.
(4) How to permanently delete your Instagram account: Delete, deactivate or ….
(5) undefined.
(6) Instagram: How to delete or deactivate your account – USA TODAY.
(7) How to Delete Your Instagram Account – How-To Geek.

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