How to Level Up Fast in Palworld

How to Level Up Fast in Palworld
How to Level Up Fast in Palworld

Palworld is a sandbox game that lets you explore, craft, build, and battle with cute and fierce creatures called Pals. But to unlock the full potential of the game, you need to level up your character and your Pals. Leveling up gives you access to new items, skills, technologies, and locations. It also makes you stronger and more resilient in combat.

But how can you level up fast in Palworld? What are the best ways to gain experience points (EXP) and progress through the game? In this article, we’ll share some tips and tricks to help you level up quickly and efficiently. Whether you’re a beginner or a veteran, you’ll find something useful in this guide.

What is Leveling Up and Why is it Important?

Leveling up is the process of increasing your character’s level and your Pals’ levels by earning EXP. EXP is a measure of how much you and your Pals have learned and accomplished in the game. You can get EXP from various activities, such as:

  • Capturing Pals
  • Defeating Pals
  • Defeating Syndicate Members
  • Finishing Dungeons
  • Protecting your Base from Raids
  • Crafting items at your base
  • Exploring the world

The amount of EXP you get from each activity depends on several factors, such as the difficulty, the duration, and the number of Pals involved. You can see how much EXP you and your Pals have and how much you need to level up by opening the status menu.

Leveling up is important because it gives you and your Pals various benefits, such as:

  • Increasing your health, stamina, and hunger bars
  • Unlocking new items, skills, and technologies
  • Accessing new areas and biomes
  • Improving your combat abilities and survival chances
  • Enhancing your Pals’ attributes and abilities

The maximum level for your character and your Pals is 50. However, reaching the max level is not the end of the game. You can still enjoy Palworld’s sandbox features and endless possibilities.

How to Level Up Fast in Palworld: The Best Methods

Now that you know what leveling up is and why it’s important, let’s get to the main point of this article: how to level up fast in Palworld. Here are some of the best methods to boost your EXP gain and level up quickly.

Catch Each Pal Up to 10 Times

One of the easiest and most rewarding ways to level up fast in Palworld is to catch each Pal up to 10 times. For every single catch, you will get an EXP bonus that scales based on your total character EXP. This means that no matter how much you level up, this EXP bonus will always be significant.

You can catch any Pal you encounter in the wild, as long as you have a Palball and enough stamina to chase them. To catch a Pal, you need to weaken it first by attacking it or using your Pals’ skills. Then, you need to throw a Palball at it and hope it doesn’t escape. You can increase your chances of catching a Pal by using higher-quality Palballs, such as Iron Palballs or Gold Palballs.

You can see how many times you have caught a Pal by checking the Paldeck, which is a list of all the Pals you have encountered and captured. You can access the Paldeck by pressing the P key on your keyboard. The Paldeck will also show you the attributes, skills, and status of each Pal.

You can keep up to 10 Pals in your party, and store the rest in your Palbox, which is a facility you can craft at your base. You can also release Pals you don’t need or want by selecting them in the Paldeck and pressing the R key. Releasing Pals will free up space in your Palbox and give you some resources, such as meat, leather, or feathers.

Change Your World Settings to Increase EXP Rate

Another simple and effective way to level up fast in Palworld is to change your world settings to increase the EXP rate. The EXP rate is a slider that determines how much EXP you and your Pals get from each activity. You can adjust the EXP rate from 1 to 20, with 20 being the highest and fastest.

To change your world settings, you need to go to the main menu and select your world. Then, you need to select \”Change World Settings\” and then \”Custom Settings\”. From there, you can move the EXP rate slider to your desired level.

Changing your world settings to increase the EXP rate will make leveling up much easier and faster. However, it will also make the game less challenging and rewarding. If you want to enjoy the game’s difficulty and progression, you may want to keep the EXP rate at a lower level.

Defeat Field Bosses and Syndicate Members

If you’re looking for a more challenging and exciting way to level up fast in Palworld, you may want to try defeating field bosses and syndicate members. Field bosses are powerful Pals that spawn randomly in the world. They are usually much larger and stronger than normal Pals, and they often have unique skills and abilities. Syndicate members are human enemies that belong to a criminal organization that exploits Pals. They are armed with weapons and Pals, and they will attack you on sight.

Defeating field bosses and syndicate members will give you a lot of EXP, as well as loot, such as items, resources, and money. However, they are also very dangerous and difficult to defeat. You will need to prepare well, equip yourself and your Pals with the best gear and skills, and use smart tactics and strategies.

You can find field bosses and syndicate members by exploring the world and looking for their icons on the map. You can also get hints and clues from NPCs, such as villagers, merchants, or travelers. Some field bosses and syndicate members are more rare and elusive than others, so you may need to search for a while before you encounter them.

Complete Dungeons and Raids

Another fun and rewarding way to level up fast in Palworld is to complete dungeons and raids. Dungeons are underground areas that are filled with enemies, traps, puzzles, and treasures. Raids are events that occur when your base is attacked by a horde of Pals or syndicate members.

Completing dungeons and raids will give you a lot of EXP, as well as loot, such as items, resources, and money. However, they are also very challenging and risky. You will need to be careful, alert, and resourceful, as you may face unexpected dangers and difficulties.

You can find dungeons by exploring the world and looking for entrances, such as caves, ruins, or wells. You can also get hints and clues from NPCs, such as villagers, merchants, or travelers. Some dungeons are more hidden and secret than others, so you may need to look for clues and secrets to access them.

Raids are triggered randomly, depending on your base’s location, size, and activity. You can also provoke raids by attacking syndicate bases or stealing their Pals. You can see when a raid is about to happen by checking the raid meter on the top right corner of the screen. You can also get warnings from your Pals or NPCs, such as villagers, merchants, or travelers.

Craft Items and Structures at Your Base

One of the most relaxing and creative ways to level up fast in Palworld is to craft items and structures at your base. Your base is your home and your sanctuary, where you can store your items, resources, and Pals, as well as customize and decorate it to your liking. Crafting items and structures at your base will give you EXP, as well as improve your base’s functionality and appearance.

To craft items and structures at your base, you need to gather resources, such as wood, stone, metal, or plants. You can get resources by harvesting them from the environment, looting them from enemies, or buying them from merchants. You also need to unlock and learn recipes, which are blueprints that show you how to craft items and structures. You can unlock and learn recipes by leveling up, completing quests, finding books, or buying them from merchants.

You can craft items and structures at your base by using various facilities, such as the workbench, the furnace, the anvil, or the sewing machine. You can also craft facilities themselves, as well as other structures, such as walls, floors, roofs, doors, windows, or furniture. You can place and arrange items and structures at your base by using the build mode, which you can access by pressing the B key on your keyboard.


Palworld is a game that offers endless possibilities and adventures. But to enjoy it fully, you need to level up your character and your Pals. Leveling up will give you access to new items, skills, technologies, and locations. It will also make you stronger and more resilient in combat.

In this article, we’ve shared some of the best ways to level up fast in Palworld, such as:

  • Catching each Pal up to 10 times
  • Changing your world settings to increase EXP rate
  • Defeating field bosses and syndicate members
  • Completing dungeons and raids
  • Crafting items and structures at your base

We hope you found this guide helpful and informative. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, feel free to leave them below. And if you liked this article, please share it with your friends and fellow Palworld fans.

Happy leveling!

(1) How to level up fast in Palworld – Best tips to get XP quickly.
(2) How to level up fast in Palworld.

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