Is A3 Talent Agency Legit? Everything You Need to Know About A3 Artists Agency

A3 Talent Agency
A3 Talent Agency

A3 talent agency, also known as A3 Artists Agency, is a leading talent and literary agency that represents actors, writers, and content creators across various media platforms. But is A3 talent agency legit? How do you get into A3 Artists Agency? Who owns A3 agency? And what is the old name for A3 artist agency? In this article, we will answer these questions and more.

What Does A3 Artists Agency Do?

A3 Artists Agency is a full-service agency that offers representation for film and TV, commercial, voiceover, digital media, alternative programming, literary, and theater. A3 Artists Agency is known for fostering careers and building personal brands of some of today’s most notable talents, such as name some examples of A3 clients.

A3 Artists Agency’s approach to signing talent follows a more relaxed and collaborative process, implementing the motto “No boardroom necessary.” A3 Artists Agency also prides itself on being a fierce advocate for its clients, driven by results and excellence².

How Do I Get Into A3 Artists Agency?

Getting into A3 Artists Agency is not easy, as the agency is very selective and has high standards for its clients. However, there are some steps you can take to increase your chances of getting noticed by A3 Artists Agency:

  • Have a strong portfolio of work that showcases your skills, personality, and versatility. You can create your own content, such as web series, podcasts, or blogs, or participate in projects that align with your goals and interests.
  • Network with industry professionals who can refer you to A3 Artists Agency or introduce you to their agents. You can attend events, workshops, or seminars where A3 Artists Agency agents or clients are present, or reach out to them via social media or email.
  • Submit your materials to A3 Artists Agency via their website or mail. You can find the submission guidelines and contact information for each department on their website². Make sure to follow the instructions carefully and tailor your materials to the specific department you are applying to.
  • Be patient and persistent. A3 Artists Agency receives thousands of submissions every year, so it may take some time before you hear back from them. Don’t give up or spam them with follow-ups, but keep working on your craft and improving your profile.

Who Owns A3 Agency?

A3 Agency is owned by Robert Attermann, Brian Cho, and Adam Bold, who acquired the agency in 2018 from its founder Harry Abrams. Attermann, Cho, and Bold are all veteran agents who have been with the agency for over 20 years. They have led the agency’s expansion and rebranding, as well as its acquisition of several other agencies, such as The Cooper Company, The Feldman Agency, and Kazarian/Measures/Ruskin & Associates²³.

What Is the Old Name for A3 Artist Agency?

The old name for A3 Artist Agency is Abrams Artists Agency, which was founded in 1977 by Harry Abrams. The agency changed its name to A3 Artists Agency in 2020, as part of its rebranding and restructuring process. The new name reflects the agency’s core values of advocacy, agency, and action, as well as its vision of being a modern and innovative agency that adapts to the changing media landscape²⁴⁵.


A3 talent agency is a legit and reputable agency that represents some of the most talented and diverse artists in the industry. A3 Artists Agency offers a wide range of services and opportunities for its clients, as well as a collaborative and supportive environment. Getting into A3 Artists Agency is challenging, but not impossible, if you have the right skills, attitude, and strategy. A3 Artists Agency is owned by three experienced and visionary agents who have transformed the agency from its old name, Abrams Artists Agency, to its new identity, A3 Artists Agency. A3 Artists Agency is an agency that sets the standard for excellence and innovation in the media industry.

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