New Horizons Globalization Partners Review 2023: Insights into Global Employer of Record Services

New Horizons Globalization Partners
New Horizons Globalization Partners

Globalization Partners Review 2023: An In-Depth Look into Leading Remote Teams. Discover the power of Global Employer of Record services and how Globalization Partners Australia can benefit your business. This comprehensive post provides a genuine review of the background and operations of Globalization Partners, the experts in global EOR services. Learn about the concept of global employer of record and how it can support your remote teams in a globalized world. Keywords: Globalization Partners, Global Employer of Record, remote teams, EOR services, globalized world, background, operations, benefits, genuine review

What is New Horizons Globalization Partners

Globalization Partners Review 2023: Unlocking the Benefits of Global Talent with EOR Services. As an international recruitment agency, Globalization Partners offers a world of opportunity for employers looking to hire the best and brightest talent from across the globe. With a network of connections in almost every country, the company provides a legal and compliant solution for hiring international talent, specifically through Globalization Partners Australia. Hire the most skilled and talented individuals from around the world to meet the specific demands and needs of your business with the help of Global Employer of Record services from Globalization Partners. Keywords: international recruitment, global talent, legal compliance, Globalization Partners Australia, Global Employer of Record, hiring, skilled talent, specific demands, needs, benefits, unlocking

How Globalization Partners different from others

FeaturesClosest competitors Globalization Partners
comprehensive solution
Available in 187 countries No Yes- The world is at your fingertips
Worldwide entity infrastructure built and staffed in-house by world-class legal, HR, and tax experts No Yes- Ensure compliance by using one vetted partner
Transparent pricing and consolidated invoicesInconsistent YesKnow what to expect every month
Regional and in-country experts are available 24/7Inconsistent Yes -Streamlined communication with our local, in-house HR experts, held to 97% customer satisfaction rating
Help Center for you and your global team No Yes- Get your questions answered with fast response times
End-to-end technology platformInconsistent Yes- One simple, secure login, globally accessible via desktop or mobile
Automated employment contracts No Yes- Digitized options to make issuing offers to valuable candidates quick, compliant, and easy
Easy time and expense management via a mobile appInconsistent Yes- Seamless experience for global employees
Employee data protected with a GDPR-compliant solutionInconsistent Yes- No more storing data in email and spreadsheets
Add headcount anywhere in just a few clicks No Yes- Take control of your growth timeline and scale faster
Maintain legal ownership of intellectual propertyInconsistent YesKeep one of your company’s critical assets under your control with a product built by a world-class legal team
Preferred partner of major payroll providers No Yes -The most trusted brand in the industry
Vetted and endorsed by world-class employment lawyers and analyst firms No Yes- Market leader operating globally since 2012, built to scale with you
Proven financial stability No Yes- a $150M minority investment in January 2020 ensures a strong cash position and provides assurance your team is secure
Leading remote teamsYesGlobalization partners are best at leading remote teams

What is global employer of record?

A worldwide manager of record, or EOR, is a solution for companies looking to expand into new global markets without incurring the costs and risks associated with establishing a subsidiary in a foreign country. An EOR provider acts as a local representative for the client company and handles all of the necessary business compliance requirements in the target market.

This means that the EOR takes care of tasks such as registering the company, obtaining necessary licenses and permits, setting up payroll, and complying with local employment laws. The EOR acts as the employer of record for the workers, which allows the client company to focus on its core business activities and avoid the administrative burden of navigating unfamiliar regulations.

By outsourcing these responsibilities to an EOR, companies can quickly and effectively enter new markets, reducing their risk and increasing their chances of success. This approach has become increasingly popular in recent years as companies look for ways to expand their operations globally while mitigating the challenges of operating in foreign countries.

What is EOR service?

In simple terms, the role of an EOR is to act as an intermediary between the client company and its employees in a foreign market. The EOR is responsible for managing the employment aspects of the client’s operations in that market, including payroll, expenses, visa and sponsorship applications, benefits, and insurance. By taking on these responsibilities, the EOR allows the client company to focus on its core business activities while ensuring that all local compliance requirements are met. The use of an EOR can help companies expand into new markets more quickly, efficiently, and effectively, reducing the risks and costs associated with establishing a subsidiary in a foreign country.

FAQ- Globalisation partners

How Long Have Globalization Partners been around?

Globalization Partners, founded by CEO Nicole Sahin in 2012, was one of the first companies to enter the emerging market for global employer of record (EOR) services. The concept of EOR was new and uncharted at the time, but it has since grown in popularity as companies look for ways to expand into new markets while avoiding the costs and risks associated with setting up a subsidiary in a foreign country. The closest domestic equivalent to EOR is a PEO (professional employer organization), which has a market worth over $170 billion in the U.S. alone.

Who competes with Globalization Partners?

Globalization Partners is a company that provides global employer of record (EOR) services, allowing clients to expand into new markets without incurring the costs and risks of setting up a subsidiary. Here are the top 10 alternatives to Globalization Partners:

  1. Velocity Global
  2. Lumity Benefits Solution
  3. Safeguard Global
  4. Omnipresent PEO
  5. Zenefits Services
  6. Insperity Workforce Optimization
  7. ADP Comprehensive Services
  8. Sequoia

These alternatives also offer EOR services, allowing companies to enter new markets while outsourcing the compliance and administrative responsibilities associated with employing workers in a foreign country. By using an EOR, companies can focus on their core business activities and ensure that all local regulations are met.

What are Globalization Partners worth?

Globalization Partners, a company that provides global employer of record (EOR) services, has recently been valued at $4.2 billion. The company allows clients to expand into new markets without incurring the costs and risks associated with setting up a subsidiary. By outsourcing the compliance and administrative responsibilities associated with employing workers in a foreign country to an EOR, companies can focus on their core business activities and ensure that all local regulations are met. The high valuation of Globalization Partners reflects the growing demand for EOR services as companies look for ways to expand their operations globally while mitigating the challenges of operating in foreign countries.

Question: How many employees does Globalization Partners have?

Answer: As of August 2022, Globalization Partners has 1,170 employees.

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