Political pressure builds on Biden to strike Iran after US deaths

Political pressure builds on Biden to strike Iran after US deaths
Political pressure builds on Biden to strike Iran after US deaths

The recent drone attack on a US military outpost in Jordan, which killed three American soldiers and wounded 34 others, has sparked a heated debate on how the US should respond to Iran’s aggression in the Middle East. The attack, which was claimed by an Iran-backed militia group, was the deadliest against US forces in the region since 2020, and the first since the Israel-Hamas war erupted in October 2023.

The Biden administration has condemned the attack as a “significant escalation” of the conflict and vowed to hold Iran accountable. However, it has not yet announced any specific retaliatory measures, as it weighs the risks and benefits of a direct confrontation with Tehran. President Biden has said that he wants to avoid a wider war in the Middle East, and that he prefers diplomacy over military action to resolve the nuclear standoff with Iran.

However, some of his critics, especially Republicans, have accused him of being weak and indecisive, and have urged him to strike Iran hard and fast. They argue that Biden’s restraint has emboldened Iran and its proxies to launch more than 150 attacks on US and allied forces in Iraq, Syria, Jordan and off the coast of Yemen since the Israel-Hamas war began. They also point out that Iran has been supporting the Houthi rebels in Yemen, who have disrupted global shipping and oil supplies by targeting commercial vessels in the Red Sea.

Some of the options that have been suggested by Biden’s opponents include:

  • Targeting Iranian forces and assets outside Iran, such as in Iraq, Syria or Lebanon, where they have a strong presence and influence.
  • Targeting Iranian forces and assets inside Iran, such as military bases, nuclear facilities or oil refineries, which could inflict significant damage and deterrence, but also risk a major escalation and retaliation.
  • Targeting Iranian officials directly, such as the Revolutionary Guards commanders or the Supreme Leader, who are responsible for the country’s foreign policy and military strategy. This could be done covertly or overtly, as former President Trump did when he ordered the killing of General Qassem Soleimani in Baghdad in 2020.

However, none of these options are without challenges and consequences. A military strike on Iran could provoke a fierce response from Tehran, which has a large and sophisticated arsenal of missiles, drones and cyber weapons. It could also trigger a regional war, involving Iran’s allies such as Hezbollah, Hamas and the Houthis, as well as US allies such as Israel, Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Moreover, it could derail the diplomatic efforts to revive the 2015 nuclear deal, which Biden has said he wants to rejoin, and which Iran has said it is willing to resume negotiations on.

Therefore, some of Biden’s supporters, especially Democrats, have advised him to be cautious and measured, and to seek a multilateral and diplomatic solution to the Iran challenge. They argue that Biden’s strategy of containing the Israel-Hamas conflict to Gaza has been successful, and that he should not let Iran drag him into a wider war. They also point out that Biden has been imposing sanctions and conducting defensive operations against Iran and its proxies, such as the recent airstrikes on militia targets in Syria and Iraq. They also suggest that Biden should engage Iran in dialogue and cooperation on other regional issues, such as Afghanistan, Iraq and Yemen, where they have common interests and influence.

Some of the options that have been suggested by Biden’s supporters include:

  • Continuing to pressure Iran with sanctions and diplomacy, while offering incentives and relief for compliance and cooperation on the nuclear issue and other matters of mutual concern.
  • Coordinating with allies and partners, such as the European Union, the United Nations, Russia and China, to form a united front and leverage against Iran, and to prevent any unilateral or rogue actions that could undermine the collective security and stability of the region.
  • Engaging with Iran and its proxies directly or indirectly, through intermediaries or third parties, to de-escalate tensions, establish channels of communication, and explore areas of compromise and cooperation.

In conclusion, the drone attack on the US outpost in Jordan has put Biden in a difficult and delicate position, as he faces political pressure from both sides to either strike Iran or talk to Iran. The decision he makes will have significant implications for the future of the US-Iran relations, the security and stability of the Middle East, and the prospects of a peaceful and diplomatic resolution of the nuclear issue.

Political Pressure Builds on Biden to Strike Iran After US Deaths. https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2024-01-29/political-pressure-builds-on-biden-to-strike-iran-after-us-deaths

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