Ring camera app won’t share footage with law enforcement anymore

    Ring camera app won't share footage with law enforcement anymore
    Ring camera app won’t share footage with law enforcement anymore

    Ring is a popular video doorbell company that allows users to monitor their homes and surroundings through a network of cameras and a mobile app. However, Ring has also been criticized for its partnerships with hundreds of law enforcement agencies across the country, which enabled them to request and download footage directly from users through private messages. This feature, called Request for Assistance, raised concerns about privacy and surveillance among civil rights groups and activists. Now, Ring has decided to end this feature and restrict police access to user data, according to a company blog post on Wednesday.

    Reasons for the change

    Ring said that it is removing the Request for Assistance feature as part of its efforts to deliver new product and app experiences that better empower its customers to connect with each other and stay informed by local government and public safety agencies. The company also said that it will continue to comply with law enforcement requests for footage with a valid and binding legal demand, such as a warrant, or on an emergency basis, such as when there is a threat of physical harm or death.

    The change was welcomed by some digital rights groups, such as the Electronic Frontier Foundation, which said that the feature facilitated warrantless requests for user footage and enabled blanket police surveillance. However, the group also called for further restrictions and transparency on how Ring handles user data and cooperates with law enforcement. On the other hand, some law enforcement officials expressed disappointment and frustration with the change, saying that it will hamper their investigations and reduce public safety.

    The change also means that users will have more control over their data and who they share it with. Users can still choose to share their footage with law enforcement directly, if they wish, or with their neighbors and community members through the Neighbors app, which is a social network operated by Ring. However, users should also be aware of the potential risks and benefits of sharing their footage, and the privacy and security settings of their devices and apps.


    In summary, Ring has announced that it is removing the Request for Assistance feature from its app, which allowed law enforcement to request footage from users. The company said that this is part of its efforts to improve its products and services, and to empower its customers to connect and stay informed. The change has received mixed reactions from different stakeholders, such as digital rights groups, law enforcement agencies, and users. The change also has implications for privacy, surveillance, and public safety.

    If you are a Ring user, you may want to review your privacy and security settings, and decide how you want to share your footage and with whom. You may also want to learn more about the laws and policies that govern the access and use of your data by law enforcement and other parties. You can find some helpful resources and information on the websites of the Electronic Frontier Foundation¹, the American Civil Liberties Union², and Ring itself³.

    What do you think about Ring’s decision to remove the Request for Assistance feature? Do you think it will enhance or reduce your privacy and security? Share your thoughts and opinions in the comments below.

    (1) Ring camera app won’t share footage with law enforcement anymore. https://news.yahoo.com/ring-camera-app-wont-share-021326447.html
    (2) Ring won’t let cops publicly request footage without a warrant anymore. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/ring-wont-let-cops-publicly-request-footage-without-a-warrant-anymore/ar-BB1hepoR
    (3) Ring removes tool police used to request camera footage in Neighbors app. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/ring-removes-tool-police-used-to-request-camera-footage-in-neighbors-app/ar-BB1hkcjZ

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