TikTok Leggings Legs Trend: What You Need to Know

TikTok Leggings Legs Trend: What You Need to Know
TikTok Leggings Legs Trend: What You Need to Know

TikTok is a popular social media platform where users can create and share short videos on various topics, such as music, dance, comedy, beauty, fashion, and more. However, not all trends on TikTok are harmless or fun. Some of them can promote unrealistic and unhealthy body standards, such as the “legging legs” trend.

What is the “legging legs” trend?

The “legging legs” trend is a controversial beauty standard that dictates how legs should look to wear leggings. It defines ideal “legging legs” as long, thin, with a thigh gap, and without hip dips or cellulite. The trend started when some users posted videos of themselves in leggings, showing off the gap between their thighs and claiming that they have “legging legs”. The hashtag #legginglegs, which has since been deleted by TikTok, had over 100 million views before it was removed¹.

Why is the “legging legs” trend harmful?

The “legging legs” trend is harmful for several reasons. First, it reinforces the idea that only certain body types are acceptable or desirable, and that others are inferior or unworthy. This can lead to body dissatisfaction, low self-esteem, and negative self-image among those who do not fit the narrow criteria of the trend. Second, it can trigger or worsen eating disorders and disordered eating behaviors, such as restricting, bingeing, purging, or over-exercising, in an attempt to achieve or maintain the “legging legs” look. According to the National Eating Disorders Association, 9% of the U.S. population, or 28.8 million Americans, experience an eating disorder in their lifetime². Third, it can create unrealistic and unhealthy expectations for women and girls, who may feel pressured to conform to the trend or face criticism, judgment, or bullying from others. This can affect their mental and physical health, as well as their social and academic performance.

How can we combat the “legging legs” trend?

There are several ways to combat the “legging legs” trend and promote a more positive and inclusive body image. Here are some suggestions:

  • Be critical of the media and social media messages that you consume. Remember that not everything you see online is real or representative of the diversity of human bodies. Many images and videos are edited, filtered, or staged to create a certain impression or illusion. Do not compare yourself to others or base your worth on your appearance.
  • Celebrate your body and its abilities. Your body is more than just a collection of parts or measurements. It is a powerful and amazing instrument that allows you to do many things, such as breathe, move, think, feel, create, and connect. Appreciate your body for what it can do, not for how it looks.
  • Wear what makes you feel comfortable and confident. Leggings are for everyone, not just for a specific body type. You have the right to wear whatever you want, regardless of your shape or size. Do not let anyone tell you otherwise or make you feel bad about your choices.
  • Support and uplift others. Be kind and respectful to yourself and others. Do not judge, shame, or mock anyone for their appearance or clothing. Instead, compliment, encourage, and empower them. Spread positivity and acceptance, not negativity and hate.
  • Seek help if you need it. If you or someone you know is struggling with body image or eating issues, do not hesitate to reach out for help. You are not alone, and there are resources and professionals who can support you. You can call or text the National Eating Disorders Association’s helpline at 1-800-931-2237 or visit their website at nationaleatingdisorders.org/helpline.


The “legging legs” trend is a harmful and problematic trend that promotes unrealistic and unhealthy body standards. It can have negative effects on the mental and physical health of those who participate in or are exposed to it. We can combat this trend by being critical of the media and social media messages, celebrating our bodies and their abilities, wearing what makes us feel comfortable and confident, supporting and uplifting others, and seeking help if we need it. Remember, you are beautiful and worthy, no matter what you wear or how you look.

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